Category Archives: Blog Post

To the America I love so Dear…

The UNITED STATES is just a country (a hunk of land – with invisible boarders) given a name – status – flag etc…)  America or being an American is an idea — and Idea derived from its foundational principles of a Declaration of Independence to a formal Constitution including a bill of Rights.  People come to the United States not because it has the best food or the best landscapes….NO….People come here because of the AMERICAN VALUES –  Values that have been given by our Creator including Life – Liberty (freedom) and the Pursuit of Happiness! 

The Traditions of AMERICA is what makes it so attractive and so intimidating at the same time.  China LIES and subverts its own CITIZENS – every day — keeping them demoralized and afraid to challenge the status quo of the CCP. The CCP is only a very small percent of the population within the “People’s Republic of China” and lays claim to CONTROL this country and those within its borders by Government suppression, force, or by any means necessary.

 Here in the United States, which has had many hard fought battles (both within and abroad) continues to struggle with what being “AMERICAN” actually is.  And so we are at a critical turning point:  as this “BLUE WAVE” of control has slowly infiltrated all branches of Government, the Entertainment Industry, Social Media, and of course the Main Stream (Legacy) Media.  What is this Blue Wave?  To keep it short and simple – the blue wave for which I speak – is called “Democratic Socialism or DS for short”. DS for lack of a better description falls between Capitalism (the way most describe our economic system in the US) and True Socialism. 

The Challenge we all as AMERICANS must face within the coming months –as we approach the 2022 midterm elections — is to answer the question of what kind of America do we want  for our future.  The only way I can see any of us being able to answer this question is to 1st define the words:  Capitalism, Democratic Socialism, Socialism, Marxism and Communism.  Most of us THINK we know what these terms mean, but in all actuality we do not.  To this day many Americans still believe that Socialism and Fascism are opposites. (They are NOT).  So What Kind of America do you want for your future and your children’s future?  Do you want to live in a country where your Government tells you how to live your life? how to raise your Children? how to educate the population? what you are allowed to say and to think?   If this is the country you feel comfortable with then ride that “Blue Wave” all the way home!  But if you are like most of us who believe in what the Constitution of the United States  stands for and are willing to die in order to defend this Nation against all enemies foreign and domestic — then I suggest you begin your own investigation in to what has been happening under your nose – as many within Media / Government / Entertainment / Big Business / Big Tech have sold YOU and the AMERICAN Value system out – so that those with Bigger Plans (in particular China can continue to assimilate GLOBAL CONTROL).

This is Not a “Conspiracy Theory” (which is another term you need to research on your own as it has been given negative context by those within the Media) rather TRUTH which spans decades of suppression by the use of ideological subversion techniques used by the Nazis, KGB, and CCP throughout these last 75+years.  The only way I know to combat this opposition (if you choose to do so) is by re-educating yourself and your children from the facts that can easily be discovered if one takes the time to do so. 

I could go into great detail as to what ideological subversion does and how it is intertwined into a society – but again to keep things short and simple – subversion techniques are primarily designed to demoralize a nation.  Demoralization is when a country and its citizens cannot distinguish  TRUTH from PROPAGANDA  anymore.  (And I ask you…. are we not at that stage here in the US as we speak?)

It takes about 20-30 years to demoralize a nation but only 3-5 years to destabilize one.   So when I saw what was happening in real time (during the 2020 election cycle) I tried my best to inform everyone of its arrival.  But I, like many other patriots, were not effective enough to expose what had been taking place – while the rest of America was caught up in fighting nonsensical battles of – Race – and other Identity Political wars that actually do not exist!  

This my friends is where the rubber meets the road…. The reason much of this “Theater” doesn’t make any sense to you and majority of the population is because it has been  a made up narrative – created by design – by none other than those within the “Blue Wave” or robber barons who convinced you that black is white and white is black.   Deep down any person who is filled with the American Spirit knows we are NOT a SOCIALIST NATION!  Yet we allow our Leaders to push Socialistic policies (Green New Deal, Medicare for all, Education for all, and open borders with no background checks). WHY?  Has emotion got the best of all of us, that we can no longer see that our RIGHTS are being taken away through new laws every single day?  Hate Speech Laws are only the beginning.  Any kind of censored speech is in direct violation of our constitution….yet…..we allow this nonsense to continue within our walls of government every single day. WHY?  

What Kind of America do you want?  Barack Obama in one of his books tells you that his VISION of AMERICA is completely different than those who wrote the words of our constitution many years ago.   If you agree with him, then like I said earlier, ride that blue wave all the way home.  However, if you believe in an America that is Free, where ideas are invited not suppressed, where you have the right to bear arms and protect you and those you love from tyrannical people who dare to control you, or finally a country that promotes truth (derived from verifiable facts and not catering to one persons hurt feelings)….THEN YOU NEED TO BEGIN TO GOVERN YOURSELF WITH THE FACTS and STOP BEING A SIDE-LINE SPECTATOR.

THE TIME IS NOW….  and the way we take this country back, is by checking our EGOs at the door and to remember – being an American is being a participant in this Democratic Republic and defending the greatness of our Constitution / Bill of Rights that have given the rest of this world hope for many decades.    For me — it has never been about being right — rather it has always been about getting it right  — because when we get the MAN right — we get the WORLD right. 

To make great change in America, for the better, means we need to begin anew — Grass Roots.  This is why (in my opinion) President Donald J Trump – didn’t  invoke the insurrection act.  You have to fall flat on your face sometimes and be kicked to the curb to realize how great you had it, and how important it is to stay informed and live in the LIGHT.  His “America-First” movement – is exactly what we all want deep down if we truly are an American.  You have to change the conversation at the local / state levels 1st – and then expand bit by bit. 

The Mid-Term Election cycle will be here soon enough.  The only way we ever will have honest / transparent elections again is if we remove those Governors and Establishment Bureaucrats from office – and remove these ridiculous laws that allow fraud to occur.  The next step is to place “America First” conservative candidates into the position currently held by those who have ushered in this “Blue Wave” of Tyranny.    This is no easy task, and it is going to take every single American Patriot,  to properly rebuild our home back to the vision outlined — in the America First agenda promoted first by our 45th President Donald J. Trump.

I don’t have all the answers and I am willing to be dead wrong in my pursuit to make this country great again….but that is just it… have to be willing to be wrong — so that better ideas can emerge — that is what being an AMERICAN is all about.  No Censorship — an open format — where we can express our ideas — debate the issues of the day using factual data —  and where we have a media that is held responsible for the information they pass along to its citizens.  I know in my heart, that if majority of Americans were properly informed over the issues of the day (without biases and LIES) — majority of us will find common ground.  Believe it or not, we all have more in common than we have been led to believe.   The Main Stream Media in America has been pushing propaganda for decades now – until recently – they are now just another arm of this Socialistic “Blue Wave” of BS.  Don’t be made the fool in their attempt to take over your life and the lives of all they pretend to care for.  Liars don’t care about you, your family, or your feelings.  The Time is NOW….we are Americans – we are United by the very documents that made us free — it’s now time to defend this Nation from those who feel it needs to be destroyed.  Come fight with me, my brothers and sisters….let your voices be heard and your love for this nation be felt  in every fabric of your existence!

Namaste and I will see you on the battle-field.

-David S. Rollman (The Rollman Revolution)

THE INFORMATION THE “THEY” don’t want you to SEE!

Hello my fellow revolutionaries because of the CENSORSHIP happening in the USA and abroad I decided to embed a link to a website that is sharing all of the information the MEDIA, BIG TECH, and THE SWAMP in DC doesn’t want you to see. They continue to take down this info and censor the parties who share these videos. I would like for your to take the time to check out the videos in the link below and SHARE it with your CIRCLES.




So you thought this was over….Not by a long shot. I keep saying it HAD TO HAPPEN THIS WAY! The way you expose the lies and the SWAMP in DC is to counter the FAKE DC ESTABLISHMENT. By #TRUMP setting up the new “OFFICE OF THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for AMERICA” It will give those within the legacy media something to have no choice but to deal with. More people in America want to see TRUMP in action. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong…..I will bet that more people will tune into what is happening within The Office of the Former President — then they will the Fake Nonsense happening within the “Office of the President of the United States LLC”

Pay attention for the next several months and you will discover the Biden Administration will deliver higher gas prices, higher unemployment (since he plans to removes the Trump Tax cuts), New Conflicts around the world, (we already see this with Canada, the UK, Israel and the Middle East with his new Executive Orders) and an increase of Chinese influence within the US and around the world. (Just look at who Biden appointed as Department head of the Executive Branch. – Just the fact that he appointed the CEO of Monsanto to Secretary of Agriculture – should tell you everything you need to know) Also, rejoining the Paris accord will weaken the energy independence we had under President Trump – all the while – investing in Wind and Solar Energy BS. Did you know that CHINA is one of the world leaders in POLLUTION? Do you really think China will stop producing GreenHouse gases? Do you honestly think President Biden will have any influence over what China does or will do? Joe is still collecting checks from the CCP (even though the main stream media wants to block this truth and tell people Biden is a saint – nothing to see here).

You have to do your own research people….You don’t have the option to live inside the ignorant game any longer. President Trump showed everyone a pathway to TRUE INDEPENDENCE, to TRUE PROSPERITY, to TRUE FREEDOM. Not the shell of its former self that we all have called the NEW NORMAL! Fuck that shit – You need to get mad, you have to stay angry, YOU have to utilize those emotions and focus them on fixing the problems that have been sold to us by the SWAMP creatures in DC, the Legacy Media, and SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE. STOP being a puppet or prostitute in their screwed up game. You know TRUTH when you see it, you know TRUTH when you hear it, You know when something just doesn’t seem right. We all do! That is your 6th sense….telling you that something is amuck, and I need to get to the bottom of this.

NOW IS THE TIME….while the swamp creatures are doing everything they can to stop a complete investigation into the 2020 election — counting the physical ballots, examining the Dominion machines, and finding a pathway to the more than 40,000 Affidavits that still have not had their day in court — you and those you love — can get involved. Stop the spreading of propaganda. Call people out on their own shit. If someone makes an accusation make them prove their case. Don’t let anyone tell you to shut up, sit down, or threaten. You are an American, you have the RIGHT to gather, say what you know, and be heard. Censorship is a real thing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, I have direct experience with this. Furthermore, you make a difference, you don’t think you do, but each one of us is one piece of an even greater puzzle. When we TRULY unite under TRUTH and find common ground, we will set our whole world on fire.





THE NEXT 100 days you need to watch, and you will discover within the next 6 month actually how great President Trump was. By next year….you will really know that the democrats and those within the DC SWAMP have lied to you, please stay tuned to the ROLLMAN REVOLUTION….I will be very active on Twitter, Parlor, Rumble, Some YouTube and Facebook with some capacity.

Namaste my friends – Lets fight this battle together.

-David S. Rollman


YOU CAN HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP (If you want) but your hatred has NO MERIT! President Donald J. Trump has without a doubt turned this country around within 4 years, All while fighting a FAKE Russia Collusion Investigation that almost had him impeached! Meanwhile Covid 19 showed up on our boarders, and he was blamed non-stop for the spreading of this VIRUS regardless of what he did. Everyone in the FAKE NEWS Main Stream Media said he would never be able to get a Vaccine in time for Christmas….WELL WELL WELL…. This PRESIDENT Did exactly that!

So what next are we going to blame this man for? He has cut Taxes (Not just for the wealthy — READ THE TAX BILL yourself – Before Jumping on the CNN Propaganda Network — He has made us Energy Independent – He has Unified 4 Arab Spring Countries – He has been nominated for 4 Pulitzer Prizes – Removed us from the Iran Deal – Got rid of the Obama Mandate – Fixed the Bill Clinton NAFTA to a New Bill that made our Farmers more profitable and leveled the playing field. He pulled us out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and set up NEW trade deals with the Chinese (while renegotiating VALUES within these trades making our country a super-power again. And of course – Big Tech – the Media – The bureaucrats – China etc.. will stop at nothing to destroy him? WHY? Because unlike most presidents before him….HE takes his role as president seriously…working for the PEOPLE and not the ESTABLISHMENT.

This is how I know immediately when someone is talking SHIT (because the Information I just provided above is indisputable – you can investigate it YOURSELF. I am OVER anyone telling me they don’t have time to investigate. This country has become so LAZY, WEAK-Minded, willfully ignorant, Betas! 75 years ago….COVID 19 would have never been a problem for the folks living during that time because they didn’t SCARE so EASILY. THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA LIES NON STOP EVERYDAY – 24 Hours a Day – With Breaking NEWS BULL SHIT at the TOP of every hour. SORRY…. I don’t live in the PRETEND world – IF you are one of those who like to live in the wonderful land of make-believe…You keep on watching your 24 hour soap opera – The fact you can’t see how fake it all is….not only makes you dumb – but also DANGEROUS.

****ON A SIDE NOTE if you made it this far —> THE Director of National Intelligence just today, released 3 NEW DOCUMENTS that show Barack Obama, The CIA, the FBI, and many others knew about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in making up a BS Russia Collusion Story in order to spy on the current President! ALSO —> Remember about 2 months ago when only a few folks were putting out information about Hunter Biden’s involvement with Russia and the Chinese collected from his Laptop….??? Remember when you were calling me and others who were trying to inform you – “A bunch of Conspiracy Theorists” “Brainwashed” and other nasty titles! Funny how it seems you were the ones who were brainwashed, As the MSM is all over this story now, and they are doing their best to down-play how serious this investigation is!

***WHEN will the Hate in this country stop? When will the PEOPLE finally stop the MEDIA from pushing propaganda (creating divisions within this country via “Identity Politics” and subversion)?? When will TRUTH supported by tangible/provable FACTS be more valuable then the LIES/DECEIT invented by OPINIONS supported by NOTHING????Ben Franklin was 100% right when he said, “This country stands to be the greatest Democratic Republic in the world, IF we are willing to fight to keep it”. STOP PRETENDING!!

THANK YOU #DONALDTRUMP for everything you have done. If the media wasn’t so corrupt, if the voting system was actually transparent, if every voter received equal protection under the law, and if rogue districts within the many contested states actually followed their own election laws -well – According to my calculation TRUMP received close to 90 million votes! If the left is so confident with the results of this election, why are they going to great lengths to hide, suppress, intimidate, and be completely uncooperative to anyone who dares investigate these matters? The Answer is simple….Because the more we investigate, the more BS comes to surface!


What EVERY AMERICAN Should know.

Regardless of your, position on this election == If you voted for Biden – WONDERFUL. If you voted for Trump – WONDERFUL!

But when the Main Stream Media:

1) promotes one candidate over another (85% Biden 15% – Trump

2) Refuses to report – FACTUAL CONCRETE EVIDENCE Submitted to the FBI concerning the Biden Family’s connection to Russian & Chinese Business Interests

3) When a man (a former US military officer – now international business investor Tony Bobulinski) comes out of silence to give first hand testimony of his dealings with Joe Biden on two separate occasions while providing documented evidence to support his claims – yet not reported by 85% of media.

4) When President Trump had been pursued for over 3+ years, was investigated heavily and had an attempted impeachment – all due to a fake DOSSIER created – 1st by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and continued by House Democrats – yet 85% of the media who was pushing for impeachment – NEVER apologized and Never reported the new evidence convincingly to the American people knowing TRUMP was SET UP! (provided documentation above – tells this story)

5)Joe Biden, who obviously has had cognitive decline, was never fully vetted to reassure the American people he was fit to take on the Presidential Role – should concern everyone.

6)When President Trump goes into Tuesday night leading just to wake up the next morning to discover that almost every battleground state flipped. And now their seems to be mounding evidence of fraud(video/affidavits from poll workers/postal workers/poll watchers etc) Yet the MSM will not report or investigate these claims themselves.

Now there are 6 major items mentioned above that I could ask any faithful CNN MSNBC or NYT subscriber questions about….and most of them either never heard of this info or just refuse to believe it.

When a young student has aspirations of becoming a journalist they are taught that journalism and the Media serve 3 major roles:

• Objectivity of the content – Present content in a fair, nonpartisan and factual format without being overtly partial.

• Engaging and facilitating public debate through critical analysis of social issues

• Asking right pointed questions at the right time and further delving into the depths of certain questions to give subjective analysis.

Now you take a minute and then ask yourself is that what OUR MAIN STREAM MEDIA does in America? Why is our Main Stream Media REFUSING to provide any information as it pertains to Joe Biden when the info could be potentially damaging to the former VP? Why was Donald Trumps Tax Returns posted all over SOCIAL MEDIA (w/o his permission which is a VIOLATION of FEDERAL LAW) yet Joe Biden’s secret dealings with China (with mounding evidence released by The New York Post) censored?

If you use common sense, all of these questions are easily answered. The media overall is withholding damaging stories of one Candidate (Biden) and promoting damaging stories of the other candidate (Trump) to produce a certain outcome.If this type of behavior does not concern you – then unfortunately you will fall into the category of WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

The purpose of the Media is to INFORM the American people. They are to take the information as they become aware and continue to investigate and vet each piece of information in order to make sure they get the story right. That is NOT happening in America anymore.

*And Finally… The Democrat party historically was known for freedom of speech/press etc. by saying as a party: “I may not agree with what you are saying – but I will fight everyday for your right to say it”. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY of today is no longer your grandma’s Democrat Party!

If FREE and FAIR elections are the backbone of Americanism – When did Media decide to become a promoter for certain political ideology rather than networks of journalist working hard to uncover the truth – so that the American People could make their own informed decisions. The American people have been lied to repeatedly over the 4+ years of Donald Trump’s presidency (with documentation and video evidence to prove it) and now you are asking the 70+ million people who voted for TRUMP to just accept the media’s outcome as it has been reported over the past week? THE MEDIA’s JOB is to REPORT the NEWS — NOT INVENT the NEWS!

So to those who are bashing Trump supporters because they want a transparent fair election – I say put your $$ where your mouth is….if Biden truly won all those battleground states as the Media keeps reporting….well then there is no reason NOT to investigate the ballots (all of the ballots) in those states.

Where are all of the investigative “Journalist” out there? Voter Fraud is a big deal, — the fact that no one in the major media seems interested enough to investigate these claims and evidence – should be alarming to EVERYONE.

-David S. Rollman

THIS Just In….

Where your face-mask everyone…. Just Like Joe. Of course Joe can’t remember where he put his face mask…so I decided to do what the media does everyday to brainwash the American Public. For example: “Here is Joe Biden wearing a Jock Strap as a face covering, the latest stats say jock-straps are more effective against corona virus then your standard N95 face coverings.” If the Main Stream media decided to run a story like this, and have a popular journalist like Anderson Cooper tell the American Public that this is a TRUE story….majority of programmed folks would be out tomorrow buying jock straps for their face!!

My point in all this, is to ask you WHY you believe what you believe? Are they your thoughts, ideas, ideologies, and beliefs? Or is it because you have been told and retold over and over and over again by some other third party? This election is no longer about what is logical as so many Americans have been brain washed into focusing on issues that either don’t exist or are amped up in order to create a public outcry.

The Russian Collusion, to Donald Trumps attempted impeachment which was baseless (no evidence other then Bull Shit created by Nanci Pelosi and Adam Schiff, and many others), and finally into Corona Virus. The last two years were completely wasted by Democratic Leaders as there only concern was to get Trump out of office no matter what the cost. And this saga continues today….In this election cycle you are voting for either Trump/Pence or Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris and her vice presidential candidate the California Liberal establishment. If you honestly think Joe Biden is fit for office or that he would even make it one year as president, you are willfully ignorant! The Democrats need an extreme liberal progressive to un-do every policy that Trump has done to create the booming economy we had before Covid.

Within the next few days I will be recording a podcast show outlining in detail the exact timeline as well as the information the Main Stream Media refuses to address. I don’t know exactly when Americans got so lazy and complacent; furthermore. when did Americans replace critical thinking with willful Ignorance?? I struggle with conversation everyday, involving the type of people I mentioned above. A willfully ignorant person cannot argue in facts, because the facts they have been given are not theirs and they will just repeat the BS that was drilled into their brain if you challenge their beliefs. Also, these same folks will refuse to look at Concrete evidence (or PROOF) that contradicts the “Facts” they believe to be true.

The German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said it best, “Sometimes people DO NOT want to hear the TRUTH, because they don’t want their illusions destroyed” Nietzsche, a critical thinker of his time, recognized something that I, myself, also recognized and that is — There are two types of people in this world….those who want to KNOW, and those who want to BELIEVE!! Which type of person are you? Today we live in a world where the Media can say whatever they want, with no consequences. Where one person or groups opinion is given more credence than another persons undeniable facts.

If you made it this far…which most willfully ignorant people will not, my purpose in making this post was to try and give some perspective. I don’t care who you vote for as long as you know why you are voting — sadly most Americans make their decisions based upon the flavor of Fake News that digests the easiest for them. And finally if you find yourself voting for one candidate over the other simply because you “DON’T LIKE” the other candidate — that’s called voting with Emotion! AND the golden rule states that the best decisions are made when we leave emotion at the door. Think about that before you make your decision. And if you don’t know why….Today you have more access then ever before, so STOP the excuses

May 30th 2020

Hello everyone. For the past 2 years…I have done my best in backing away from social media on a large scale. Primarily due to the fact….that if you spend a good portion of your time within social media…you will find that your brain becomes filled with nonsense. The world according to the MSM is in total chaos. You have COVID19 and now…riots in the streets from a recent unnecessary death by law enforcement. But what ever happened to being a civilized nation? What ever happened to due process and justice? Why do so many continue to blame #POTUS #TRUMP for every single thing that goes wrong in this country? Have we as Americans decided to throw logic and reason out the window and take on the role of wild animals instead?
I truly understand everyone’s frustration…but choosing ignorance over logic, & impulsiveness over patience — we only add to the current challenges our country is facing!! Rioting and destroying local businesses only hurts more people within each community.

PROTEST – ABSOLUTELY! (you have that right, organize -and state your case)

RIOTING – You’re an idiot! (This only insights more violence and unnecessary destruction).

I like many will continue to seek justice for Mr Floyd, however; we are a nation of laws. Rather than rioting, you will find that organizing and uniting together as one under a common cause, (without race, sex, or religion blinding us from the truth for which we all seek) will always be more powerful! The voice of the people dictates the world we want and deserve.

Fight for justice – but do it the right way! Follow in the ways of Dr MLK. Your Voice is more powerful (esp in numbers) than you could possibly imagine!

BUT STOP this NONSENSE!!! 1st – TRUMP is not RESPONSIBLE for the Corona Virus, and 2nd – Mr Floyd is dead because of a corrupt cop who was acting under his own accord. Majority of Law Enforcement are honorable and there for your protection — not the other way around.

IF you want change….Work for Justice!


Also…I have decided to speak up again…and will be recording and releasing NEW podcast episodes, over the next several weeks. I have so much more to say! Till then…take care my friends.


Season 4 – Podcast Returns

The Rollman Revolution Podcast has always been an evolving show dedicated to the conversations and thoughts that are designed to bring about your best version (while separating opinions/theories from provable facts). The last episode of the podcast was recorded way back in August of 2018, and despite what successful podcasts’ say about staying active, I personally have only been interested in the quality of each show, not the quantity. So to those out there who have been dedicated listeners of the show, I apologize for the extended time away from the microphone.

As we get closer to December of 2019, I am reminded how quickly time moves along as we ourselves get older and older. Nonetheless, Season 4 will begin soon enough and I am very excited to tackle some new ideas and topics that have not been covered so far. (Topics including: Astrology, Ancient Scientific discoveries, and completely dissecting the areas between the Devout Religious and the vocal Atheist). As always, I enjoy hearing your suggestions for the podcast, so please continue to submit your topics to the contact form located at the top of this website.

In the latter part of 2018, I made a decision to step away from Social Media for 6 months, which ultimately turned into 10 months (with the occasional peak). During that time away, I realized how much I dislike the programming Social Media brings into our lives, causing unnecessary stress, obligation, and competition among its many users. Instead I began reading several books along with sharing my many insights within the reddit community. The change up over the past year has been good, and we are getting ready to pump up the volume over the next several weeks.

I will post the new episode info on all social media platforms and send out updates to all those who subscribe to the podcast. Good Day to all of you — I am incredibly anxious to speak to everyone real soon.

Namaste, -DSR

Lessons Most People Learn way too late in life.

Everywhere you look today, there is always a new book or list, that is designed to give you a push in order to persevere over life’s challenges. If you really dig deep, you will notice that each book or list, is practically eluding to the same subjects in a more refined way. Bottom line, throughout your life the most important skill to have or acquire is “Wisdom”. There are so many quotes out there about wisdom, but the one I have found keeps things very simple is: “Wisdom is found in the discovery of Truth”. TRUTH… in my opinion is the only commodity worth trading.

The sooner you come to a full understanding of these life lessons — the less struggles and suffering you will experience throughout your journey. (The list below is in no particular order, and is the condensed version that I have derived from the ample amount of lectures, texts, and life experience)

  • Identify Who ‘YOU’ really are.
  • Do what you love, and love what you do.
  • Being happy takes a lot of work.
  • Learn to become present to the presence.
  • Perception becomes your reality
  • Nothing lasts forever, learn to let go.

Over the next several months I will be discussing this list and topics surrounding “Wisdom and Truth”. There is an incredible need for this type of material as many young adults and older folks continue to struggle daily with these items listed above. Life has a way of crippling people who do not learn these fundamentals, and in may cases it is not their fault. However, once you have been made aware of this knowledge… there is no turning back… you either embrace it, or ignore it — the choice is always yours.

Life in an of itself is a God Damn Mess. Suffering is an absolute and the laws of entropy continue to unfold regardless if you participate or not. The job of every conscious human is to battle through each day with the least amount of suffering as possible, while acquiring knowledge in order to unveil universal truth.

Life is very difficult, but becomes a bit easier, the sooner you begin to grasp the short list above…. To be continued.

Namaste my friends

Setting Priorities – A life lesson that we all need to understand – Blog Post

The most challenging lesson, I had to learn in life was prioritizing the people and “things” to the proper order. I consider myself a very intelligent person; however, one of my greatest weaknesses is trying to help (and/or take on) the workload and issues of just about anyone who I feel could benefit from my help. Selflessness is a great quality, but sadly it is a quality that many people will take advantage of if they realize it is a weakness of someone else.

So this life lesson has taught me that the proper order of priority is as follows:

1) Yourself – You have to 1st be able to take care of yourself including your basic needs (health, mind, body, & “spirit”) if you plan to survive in this world….which is a bloody brutal place if you don’t take care of the one person that is within your control (aka = YOU). Furthermore, you are absolutely useless to anyone else if you, yourself, are in total chaos. Putting yourself 1st is not being selfish, it’s setting yourself up to become responsible for the many other people and things you may and will at times be directly involved with.

2) Get Your House in order. This means the 2nd priority are those people who tend to be closest to you (Husband/Wife, Children etc…) A Happy Home = A Healthy Home.

3) Your closest connected family. These are your parents and potentially grand-parents. This is one of the big areas that seems to slip away fairly often in the US today, as putting Mom and Dad in an “Assisted Living Facility” is more convenient because our priorities of making a living seem to engulf majority of the time we have. (I am not saying that putting your parents or grand parents in a facility is an awful thing to do…as this can be the only option a family is able to make. What I am saying, is that if you are able to incorporate these important people into your House and take a shared responsibility for their needs as they get up there in age — by showing them love and returning the timely sacrifice they gave when you were just on your way up in this life — is a greater choice. Also it is a proven fact that when we give back more to those who have sacrificed their time for us, our brains release more serotonin and oxytocin — which all in all makes everyone feel pleasure beyond the activity for which it is being produced.

4) Your Closest “REAL” friends and perusing work or passions that give your life a deeper meaning. Many folks claim to have 25, 50, or even 100 friends. But in reality majority of us have 4 to 8 good friends, and only 2 to 3 “REAL” friends (one which is and should be your partner or spouse). Now when I say “Real” friends – I always get the raised eyebrow from just about everyone I say this to. A real friend is a person that tells you how it really is, they are not about the bull-shit. A real friend, will listen to you, inspire you, motivate you and challenge you — to become the best version of yourself. These friends are not there to sugar coat your ego, as a matter of fact these people are there to kick your ego to the curb, so that the REAL you can shine! If you happen to have a person or a couple of people like this in your life…HANG ON TO THEM, as they are really hard to find. So in this 4th priority – True Friends helping True Friends is so valuable, and whilst keeping and developing these true well grounded relationships don’t forget to find a passion or life goal that gives you a reason to wake up each day knowing what purpose you bring to the lives of the people you may touch, simply through the work you will be doing.

and the 5th and final priority (or in my case the priority, that I always seemed to place at the top of the list)

5) EVERYONE and EVERYTHING ELSE!! Like I said at the top of this post…we all want to make others happy, and ironically this is an impossible task to achieve. You cannot make anyone happy — rather you can show or teach a person the ways to minimize suffering in this life in order for these people to generate and discover their own path to happiness.

*On a side note…another life lesson I picked up along my journey thus far is that life is not about being happy. Life is all about suffering. (This is where you say…What the hell are you talking about David?? But seriously when you contemplate this at the deepest level of reflection, you will uncover this statement to be absolute fact.* The purpose of life is suffering, and the journey within this path of suffering is to find ways to minimize this suffering not only for yourself, but for those people you touch on a daily basis. And if you want to dive even deeper, remove those elements within your life that do not serve you or work towards developing your best version. By following this practice, I can guarantee you will avoid adding any more unnecessary suffering into this already difficult life experience.
We also innately have this paternal/maternal to want to do the right thing. Some of us, this need to want to fix everyone and everything in the world takes on the top spot…and overtime in the long run actually creates greater distruction. Not to sound like a parrot but, Priority #1 is so important to understand, and so many of us interpret this as a self indulgent weakness. All I can say my friends, is if you don’t get the man right you will never get the world right….It all starts with you, the internal YOU!

Majority of us want to be good people, and would rather remove suffering from the lives of ourselves and those closest to us. But is can become so easy to be dragged into a world filled with drama – as you try to band-aid every little problem for every single person we feel the need to help. Trust me and take my word for this….YOU CANT HELP EVERYONE…you are just not that flexible. My advice….start with the stuff within your control, and work your way out to those closest to you….but at the end of the day — Get yourself Right while getting your house in order. Then and only then, should you pick and choose the people and groups you want to help – one small piece at a time.

I love you all, Namaste!