Tag Archives: riots

049 – Ode to 2020 – The Rollman Revolution audio podcast

I will keep this quick….I am back, out of retirement and back in the saddle. This podcast episode is just a rant covering the latest nonsense in the world today…. I will expand on this post shortly, but for now just enjoy the episode. Please leave any comments below or find me at any of the social media sites.

I love you all, Namaste and see you soon, -DaveMan

May 30th 2020

Hello everyone. For the past 2 years…I have done my best in backing away from social media on a large scale. Primarily due to the fact….that if you spend a good portion of your time within social media…you will find that your brain becomes filled with nonsense. The world according to the MSM is in total chaos. You have COVID19 and now…riots in the streets from a recent unnecessary death by law enforcement. But what ever happened to being a civilized nation? What ever happened to due process and justice? Why do so many continue to blame #POTUS #TRUMP for every single thing that goes wrong in this country? Have we as Americans decided to throw logic and reason out the window and take on the role of wild animals instead?
I truly understand everyone’s frustration…but choosing ignorance over logic, & impulsiveness over patience — we only add to the current challenges our country is facing!! Rioting and destroying local businesses only hurts more people within each community.

PROTEST – ABSOLUTELY! (you have that right, organize -and state your case)

RIOTING – You’re an idiot! (This only insights more violence and unnecessary destruction).

I like many will continue to seek justice for Mr Floyd, however; we are a nation of laws. Rather than rioting, you will find that organizing and uniting together as one under a common cause, (without race, sex, or religion blinding us from the truth for which we all seek) will always be more powerful! The voice of the people dictates the world we want and deserve.

Fight for justice – but do it the right way! Follow in the ways of Dr MLK. Your Voice is more powerful (esp in numbers) than you could possibly imagine!

BUT STOP this NONSENSE!!! 1st – TRUMP is not RESPONSIBLE for the Corona Virus, and 2nd – Mr Floyd is dead because of a corrupt cop who was acting under his own accord. Majority of Law Enforcement are honorable and there for your protection — not the other way around.

IF you want change….Work for Justice!


Also…I have decided to speak up again…and will be recording and releasing NEW podcast episodes, over the next several weeks. I have so much more to say! Till then…take care my friends.