THIS Just In….

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Where your face-mask everyone…. Just Like Joe. Of course Joe can’t remember where he put his face mask…so I decided to do what the media does everyday to brainwash the American Public. For example: “Here is Joe Biden wearing a Jock Strap as a face covering, the latest stats say jock-straps are more effective against corona virus then your standard N95 face coverings.” If the Main Stream media decided to run a story like this, and have a popular journalist like Anderson Cooper tell the American Public that this is a TRUE story….majority of programmed folks would be out tomorrow buying jock straps for their face!!

My point in all this, is to ask you WHY you believe what you believe? Are they your thoughts, ideas, ideologies, and beliefs? Or is it because you have been told and retold over and over and over again by some other third party? This election is no longer about what is logical as so many Americans have been brain washed into focusing on issues that either don’t exist or are amped up in order to create a public outcry.

The Russian Collusion, to Donald Trumps attempted impeachment which was baseless (no evidence other then Bull Shit created by Nanci Pelosi and Adam Schiff, and many others), and finally into Corona Virus. The last two years were completely wasted by Democratic Leaders as there only concern was to get Trump out of office no matter what the cost. And this saga continues today….In this election cycle you are voting for either Trump/Pence or Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris and her vice presidential candidate the California Liberal establishment. If you honestly think Joe Biden is fit for office or that he would even make it one year as president, you are willfully ignorant! The Democrats need an extreme liberal progressive to un-do every policy that Trump has done to create the booming economy we had before Covid.

Within the next few days I will be recording a podcast show outlining in detail the exact timeline as well as the information the Main Stream Media refuses to address. I don’t know exactly when Americans got so lazy and complacent; furthermore. when did Americans replace critical thinking with willful Ignorance?? I struggle with conversation everyday, involving the type of people I mentioned above. A willfully ignorant person cannot argue in facts, because the facts they have been given are not theirs and they will just repeat the BS that was drilled into their brain if you challenge their beliefs. Also, these same folks will refuse to look at Concrete evidence (or PROOF) that contradicts the “Facts” they believe to be true.

The German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said it best, “Sometimes people DO NOT want to hear the TRUTH, because they don’t want their illusions destroyed” Nietzsche, a critical thinker of his time, recognized something that I, myself, also recognized and that is — There are two types of people in this world….those who want to KNOW, and those who want to BELIEVE!! Which type of person are you? Today we live in a world where the Media can say whatever they want, with no consequences. Where one person or groups opinion is given more credence than another persons undeniable facts.

If you made it this far…which most willfully ignorant people will not, my purpose in making this post was to try and give some perspective. I don’t care who you vote for as long as you know why you are voting — sadly most Americans make their decisions based upon the flavor of Fake News that digests the easiest for them. And finally if you find yourself voting for one candidate over the other simply because you “DON’T LIKE” the other candidate — that’s called voting with Emotion! AND the golden rule states that the best decisions are made when we leave emotion at the door. Think about that before you make your decision. And if you don’t know why….Today you have more access then ever before, so STOP the excuses

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