The Second Podcast Show…..

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

imagesIt only took about 2 weeks to get my podcast submitted to iTunes and Stitcher Radio. Not because I am lazy, no…the specifics for what it takes to get all that technology to work as it should is not easy. But once its where it needs to be and set in place the process goes to autopilot. So TOPICS TOPICS TOPICS…where to begin, I have so much info in this big head of mine, I just want to throw it all down….but that would not be the journey I want you to see. So I guess I am going to begin with the topic of WORDS….and how they play a role in the society we live in today and where we came from and how we got HERE to what we call the present.

Hopefully we will keep eager minds magnetized to this podcast and will see if other topic stem as the show keeps rolling forward. If you have a topic in mind please shoot me a text, or an email or leave some comment somewhere, and I will address it. Lets have fun with all of this as that is the spice of life.


Follow me on youtube: The RollmanRevolution 

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