Tag Archives: pizzagate


Over the past 2 decades — the increase in Child/Human Trafficking has reached a level that would make most sane people vomit.

The type of EVIL we are dealing with is something we only believe happens in the movies. And when I say EVIL, I am not talking about a person who lives with a negative attitude all day long. No, the evil for which I speak, is something that has ZERO respect for Human life. These psychopaths see the rest of us, as PRODUCTS or OBJECTS of their desire or financial gain.

I would not consider myself a religious person, however, when I hear the EVIL described in ancient texts, like the BIBLE and/or Koran, I know they are talking about the same EVIL that exists within these Human Trafficking rings all around the US and World. The way they hide this EVIL is thru SYMBOLISM, using coded language as well as physical signaling. #Pizzagate is still one of the processes they use to hide their sick abuse of children, and other crimes against humanity.

Below are links to two videos I feel every Good Human Being should watch, in order to understand and KNOW THY ENEMY.

All I ask is that you share this page with your “circles” as to point more of those who are waking up — to these hidden truths.


“Enter The #PizzaGate” part 1

Video #2

“Enter The #PizzaGate” part 2

And for more videos related to #PIZZAGATE #OBAMAGATE #PEDOGATE Please Click here —-> ObamaGate-PizzaGate

And for more videos related to “Elite Human Trafficking” please click on the link here —-> Elite Human Trafficking Videos