Tag Archives: censorship

054 – “Being BOLD in 2022” – Podcast Episode

HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS — but OUR WORK has only just begun.

2021 was one hell of a year. The world as I know it — seems to be turned upside down — as NOTHING makes sense anymore. When Dr. Malone mentioned Matias Desmit’s “Mass formation psychosis” — I was screaming YES YES YES…. EXACTLY.

If you are like me, you have been beating your head against the wall every day — trying to navigate your life through the endless lies and deceit being spewed out nonstop. Now I know the Main Stream (Legacy Media) is trying to sell us all — that you and I are against each other. That you and I are ENEMIES. They want you to hate me and me to hate you. Have you ever asked yourself the question –IS ANY OF THIS TRUE?

In this episode I want to ask you a simple question…. How do you know what you know? How did you come to the conclusions you have? How do you know that the information stored up inside that brain of yours hasn’t been hijacked? I will lay out several points that will try to get you to think.

WE MUST STOP DIVIDING each other over NON- ISSUES that have been created — to distract US from the TRUTH. They don’t want you or I communicating to each other in FACTS. They don’t want you or I agreeing that the Bull-S*it being presented is just that BULL-S*IT.

But in 2022 we no longer have any time for games, we don’t have time to sit on the sideline and be a spectator. Being Bold mean no longer living in fear, arming yourself with the facts, researching the information you believe to be true and supporting your convictions with data, evidence, and REAL SCIENCE (not “scientism”).

Being Bold means knowing why you believe what you believe and being able to defend those positions to anyone within your spheres who dare push out propaganda based in Main Stream LIES.

Being BOLD means taking back what they STOLE FROM US:

  1. The 2020 Election
  2. The Truth about this “VIRUS” and the science/medicine to combat it.
  3. The ability to choose which candidate represents us locally and nationally.
  4. The ability to speak the truth (in opposition to the Main Stream narrative) and NOT BE CANCELED or Shadow-banned for making those statements.

The GRAPH BELOW shows the TRUTH of what is happening. THE MEDIA is only TRUSTED by those who still suffer from Mass formation psychosis. Everyone else has either hit the mute button or found a place elsewhere to get truthful information. People are finally doing their duty to get informed.

BOTTOM LINE — we cannot take our foot off the gas for 1 minute. We must make a STATEMENT in EVERY ELECTION this year and any year going forward — and that is — WE WANT TO BE HEARD, we want our VOTE COUNTED, and we want to be in the room to make sure this is counted. Furthermore…. We MUST GET TO THE BOTTOM of November 3, 2020 — because THAT ELECTION was STOLEN STOLEN STOLEN.

In this episode — I want to get you motivated by getting you involved this year in what ever capacity you can and to make sure you KNOW why you believe what you believe.

TAKE A LISTEN and PLEASE SHARE the content to those who need to hear this. Namaste my American/World Family — Lets do this together.

008 – “Sheep or Shepard – MSM How they easily control you” – Podcast episode

This is an episode that I recorded back in 2015, that mysteriously disappeared Summer of 2020. No one can explain to me how this podcast episode mysteriously vanished from my website pages, however; the title may have something to do with this.

We live in times of REAL CENSORSHIP. Back in 2015, when I recorded this episode — you could already see the direction Barack Obama was taking the country. Even worse, you could tell that Social Media, and the 90% controlled media was just working in tandem with the Democrats and Establishment Republicans in DC.

I am re-posting this episode, as something mentioned within must have struck a nerve. Please check it out and SHARE — as this content is even more important –today, then ever.

Namaste my friends, and Episode 53 will be just around the corner.


PS – HERE IS A LINK TO THE VIDEO PORTION That was recorded and posted to YouTube the Next Day. Notice the date of the video (as this is my proof of its existence)

The results of Lying…a prelude to the next Podcast Episode…

If telling the truth was the only option — our world would be a place we could all call home. Until then….as long as we allow and/or lie ourselves — the ending result usually works out the same way = Disappointment while scratching your head in complete confusion.

The Photo below is the best example of what you get when you refuse to hold liars accountable for their actions.
America is the last stand against communistic rule in the world — an yet as the days continue to move forward — Joe Biden’s legitimacy and ability to rule are questionable at best.

We MUST STOP THIS PRETENDING and BEGIN to have a dialogue with our neighbors — as most don’t realize they are being lied to. Furthermore, anyone who tries to point those people in the right direction get labeled as conspiracy theorist or “domestic terrorists”.
When did the United States begin censoring any conversation that disagrees with the official narrative/story? Colleges use to be the place where NEW and Debatable Ideas were invited — yet today if you speak in any conservative forum — you will more than likely get canceled! WHY?

The way you control a population is by controlling the flow of information. If you can convince part the population to follow one set of ideology and another part of the population to follow a different set — then all you have to do is pin these groups against one another — and BAM — you have a DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.

SOLUTION: PARTIES don’t matter: People DO! Throw the political party nonsense out the window and begin to educate yourself about each issue. America would be the wealthiest country in the world (and you could sustain a family on just a single income) if we could only break away from the chains of division the Government bureaus and MSM are creating — to divine the American population — in order to cause us to fight amongst ourselves.

You want to take your country back? Do you want your children to have the best future? Then SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT, SPEAK LOUD, and get INVOLVED. WE NEED FULL FORENSIC AUDITS in all 50 States so every American can know that their vote counted (and was not discarded due to any cheating and/or election manipulation).

The only way a country can direct a course for its future destination is by knowing that every 4 years they can vote to move America in the direction they would like to see her. But the 2020 election has too many Question Marks. Also after looking at the Packet captures from Mike Lindell’s Cyber symposium — I am 100% confident that something seriously went wrong on November 3rd thru Nov 5th of 2020. (THE ONLY WAY TO DETERMINE if there is any truth to this is by doing a complete forensic audit of each state.

According to FEDERAL LAW – each state is to keep a record for 22 months — for this specific reason — that if you had any questions about an election — you could go and research the data to see if there are any issues. Sadly the reason many states have not done forensic audits is simply because the establishment DO NOT WANT the PEOPLE to see what is on the other side of the curtain. That should concern everyone….