Tag Archives: Borders

An attempt to DESTROY a Nation. — America on FIRE.

So how did we get here?

Honestly, how did America go from one of the greatest, most respected nations in the world, to a laughing stock almost over night?

It’s the same playbook. It has been used hundreds of times throughout the ages to destroy nations. Yet, these targeted countries continue to fall for the same nonsense, every time. Why?

A country is defined by 3 major things: LANGUAGE, BORDERS, & CULTURE. So lets examine these areas.

Over the past 100 years, America has been involved with endless conflict. Once one war is complete, another seems to be fired up somewhere else. However, most Americans today, have never had to deal with a WAR on their own soil. This changes the game entirely.

Conventional war tactics are not being used in this modern age against the American people, rather this new type called “Information Warfare”, “5th Generation warfare”, and its EVERYWHERE.

Since 2021, the Biden Administration, took all the filters off, and purposely turned the American Government into a weapon against the people, it swore an oath to protect!

Our Language, borders, & culture are being destroyed every day, and if this continues, America will become unrecognizable, much like Germany did after WWII. This systematic approach is only successful, if ALL 3 MAJOR AREAS are targeted. These corrupt psychopaths working toward this goal, know these steps very well as they have been used over and over again with great success.

In America today, our Language has been perverted, with the manipulation of common understood terms (e.g. what is a”woman”, what is a “vaccine”, manipulation of “gender” — just to name a few). The purpose of manipulating the language, is to cause permanent confusion in open debate. How can anyone have MEANINGFUL debate/conversation — if the terms we are using, have different meanings depending on who you are speaking with. Again, this is all done on purpose to create internal confusion & conflict.

Second, America has a WIDE OPEN BORDER. The purpose of borders is to protect and define boundaries/laws for anyone wanting to be part of said nation. However, in 2023, the Dept. of Homeland Security, refuses to protect and secure these borders, as well as enforcing the laws we have, in order to protect the nation’s citizens from anyone trying to do us harm.

Furthermore, by allowing for MASSIVE “UNVETTED” MIGRATION into the US, not only does the Government put the American people at risk, the economy and American Culture are also SEVERELY EFFECTED. This leads me to my last point, “culture”.

A country is defined by its historical customs, daily practices, and/or traditions which ultimately make up the environment you see every day. This is why during any MAJOR CONFLICT/WAR the opposition will always target Monuments, Libraries, Historical Buildings etc… in effort to ERASE any trace of that nations history.


It is my opinion, that America — overall, is ignorant of its TRUE HISTORY (not by any fault of their own). From early childhood, we are told to respect and listen to those of Authority. (e.g. A person in uniform, a person with credentials, or simply, the person standing in the front of the room, your teacher) Some folks were lucky enough to receive classes in “critical thinking” and “deductive reasoning”, as well.

Today however,– these skills are not as common place, and in many circles viciously mocked and looked down upon. Great thinkers like this get labeled as “conspiracy nuts”, “brainwashed”, and “tin-foiled hat wearing…” – as to discredit them right out the gate. This is a subversion tactic done purposely, to set an “example” — in order to keep more folks from acquiring those skills. (Or as I like to say… going down those “rabbit-holes”)

I have been researching 20th Century Historical “Anomalies” (Lies / Misgivings / Untruths) for more than 10 years. — I can say with confidence, that you can take your Public Education and toss-it out the window. The systematic education control in the “Western World” suppresses much of WWI & WWII “TRUE” History.

Most of the information surrounding the “Prequel” to these World Wars have never been fully explained. Timelines don’t add up, and if you are a “numbers” person — you may want to “Reexamine” WWII. Many books giving contrary arguments have been taken out of print, or “REVISED”.

The 20th Century was one of the Bloodiest, if not the bloodiest, on record. I think it would be important to STUDY (in hindsight) what really happened… and to expose the propaganda within this history that is protected by western academia.

It is said, that the HISTORY is written by the victors, but what happens when those who are victorious — refuse to tell the story for the way it actually transpired? (The Historical Truth).

What’s next?

I will be recording a podcast episode later this week, which will tackle this TOPIC from top to bottom. In the mean time, begin asking yourself — What do I REALLY KNOW about American History? Do I think critically when NEW information is presented or do I utilize my preconceived notions to make my decisions?

It is vitally important to know what you believe, but it’s even more important to know why you believe it — How did you come to these conclusions?

Our country is being destroyed from within, by a group of Men who have sold their soul and country in exchange for paper-in-their-pockets.

It’s TIME FOR AMERICA TO GET ANGRY & FOCUSED. This Mafia will not stop until You and I make them STOP. Share the truth and those telling it within your circles.

See you on the battlefield.