Category Archives: Podcast Episodes

036 – “Pulling the Trigger, the 2016 US Election” – Podcast Episode

It’s Election 2016 here in the US, and let me tell you without pause, this election cycle for the race to our next president has been the most ridiculous and humorous I have ever witnessed.  election2016_rollmanrevolution

From the beginning of this race that started a little over a year ago & the announcement of the candidates who partook – all the way into the primary process,  this story could not of written itself any better!  (Or was there a helping hand?? Hmmm..)

Every 4 years in the United States, we have to endure another battle royal of nonsense with these elections, and each time a new one passes, more ridiculous the process seems, as it is very hard to believe that this is the best our country has to offer its citizens.

As I watched the Freak Show unravel, over this past year, the hypothesis I made about 16 years ago continues to hold true and falls into play exactly how I predict each cycle from the start.  (This cannot be a coincidence,  and I am not a fortune teller).

In this episode titled “Pulling the Trigger – The 2016 US Election” I will start out by discussing the past year and lead up to where we are now, following the 3rd and final debate.

I will touch on:

  1. The wild start within the primary process
  2. The confusion about “Delegates” & “Super-Delegates”
  3. The Illusion behind the primary process, and how YOUR primary vote in many cases does not decide the parties choice in the race
  4. How we arrive at 2 candidates (1 from each Major Party)
  5. The purpose of the DNC and RNC
  6. The Main Stream Media’s Part in the election process
  7. What Polling Data does during this process
  8. The Republican Candidate Donald J. Trump vs. The Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton
  9. The Amount of Money involved in these campaigns and what you need to understand behind these dollars
  10. My analysis of the whole narrative along with my perdiction as things stand today (10/21/2016).
  11. and finally….my well though out opinion on the Election process in America and other “Free” Nations.


So there is a ton I will discuss within this episode, as this is my wheel-house.  One of the major concerns I have about the progression of each election cycle is how we talk less about issues and more about the Candidates personal history.  The election is more of a reality show, rather than a process to be understood and respected.

Please leave your comments, and questions at the end of this post.  Otherwise… EMAIL, Twitter, Facebook me and lets keep the conversation going.

This is going to be another powerful episode!

Namaste everyone.

-David Rollman


035 – “Truth, Identity, Time and your Voice – The power-cell of the Human Spirit” -Podcast Episode

This weeks episode will shake you up.humanspirit

My goal of this weeks podcast is to talk as true as I can to the masses, and try to get each and every one of you to recognize the power that lives within you (THE HUMAN SPIRIT).

I will not ramble on too long here, as I want the episode to speak for itself, as the VOICE…is such a powerful tool, to express – everything we can in this life.  This is not to say that the voice is the only way to change the world, but it is a very powerful tool to do just that.

I am a big believer, that when you understand – Truth, Claim your Identity, Recognize what Time really is, and understand the purpose of the Voice, THEN and ONLY then will your Human Spirit Resonate with the likes of you.

Each person on this planet, in this life, has a Voice and a Spirit.  But most of us, don’t know what to do with this Godly Gift.  I hope to inspire and inform you within the episode, the way on how to recognize this wonderful gift, and petition you not to waste it.

This is Going to be the most powerful episode to date…You will want to listen.  Also don’t forget to send any comments or testimonials…that can add to the dialogue presented here.

Have a wonderful week my friend and Universal Family. Namaste!

-David Rollman

034 – “9/11 Conversation – 15 Years Later” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

9/11 – 15 Years Later,

Yes…There is still much to be said about the events surrounding the attack on 9/11/2001, and from looking at the Main Stream Media’s take over the last 2 weeks – The really keep repeating the same BS.911 - More questions less answers

Now for many this episode will considered “Conspiracy” & “Controversial” and if you feel this way – I am alright with that.  However, You must understand why so many are not convinced with the official story-line 15 years later.   For those who have truly investigated the events and video footage about this event (looking at the physics, the facts that seem to get suppressed, and BS repeated within the MSM and Political System) are still not satisfied with the Official Story, and for very good reason.

In this episode…I will not sugar coat anything as all gloves are off.  I am not here to convince you of anything, I am here to inform you about all of the information at your disposal, if you are willing to turn the TV off and begin to educated yourself, with what you will not find in the newspapers, Public Radio, and your 50″ Idiot Box.

I can tell you from experience that my journey into this matter of 9/11 was not easy.  Just like majority of Americans, I believed exactly what my News broadcast company was telling me, I didn’t question any of it – Why? – Because the Media is supposed be to non-biased and report factual information.  Unfortunately as time went on over this issue, more questions emerged, and less and less of the official answers – seemed plausible.

Many people today, who still deny, the alternative to the 9/11 cover story, do so simply because they do not want to believe that their government and those who support there story, could ever be capable of lying to its citizens.  Psychologically we depend on “Big Brother” to watch over us and tell us when things are good or bad (But Be Honest in this action).  However, as time goes on and you really dig deep in to all the information about this Day… You will become more and more angry, and your trust in the Information you get from the Powers that Be will start to diminish.

We are at a point in history, where information is Instant, and Illusions are able to be generated in so many ways.   All I ask is that people start to investigate big stories and important events from multiple avenues of information.  Look for EVIDENCE, and if they (all Media) cannot provide your with names, dates, clues etc… that can be properly validated –  you must assume that it is NOT TRUE, until you can find these facts yourself.

I anticipate more events like 9/11 will reveal themselves as we go further into the 21st Century, only because the majority of the world, continues to digest this Propaganda, and Subversion without any resistance.

Your Journey begins NOW.  RIGHT NOW…  Start to ask questions, start to seek the accuracy behind answers, look deeper in to “FACTS” presented, and never settle for answers you cannot validate on your own.

This event, was the tipping point for many who continue to speak out to this day… as 9/11 changed the way we view our Governments, Politicians, Media Giants, and Shills, which still regurgitate this nonsense.

I have faith that someday in the near future, the victims and the family members of these victims, will have a proper investigation into the “REAL” story of 9/11.   When 3,000+ people die without a proper investigation, and there is more BS then Fact surrounding the Official Version, we as a community of HUMAN Beings (Not Black, White, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Middle Eastern, European, etc..) have to throw away the Social Divide – and realize we are being played by these powerful groups, and we are not part of the CLUB.

The STAGE of war continues to this day – around the world – driven by hate and facilitated by an agenda driven media, whos job is to keep giving the population a reason for justification of there country’s Government – to continue the course of violence, occupation, and murder.

I do not claim to have All the “Facts”, I would never do this – nor try to portray this on my show and in my work.  However, After 15 years of this crap, I know when I am being lied to.  This is why I have been speaking out for close to 2 years now on different subjects relating to the suppression of information, and the psychological operation of continued BS within the Main Stream.

I will leave a few links below that I feel will help guide you as to the back story of 9/11.  I will not be showing any videos about the event, as You can research this via YouTube and other entities across the web.  Having said this I will point you to two documents I feel will get you concerned, and then it is up to you what you do or where you go hereafter.

Namaste my Friends, Family, and Fans…  You are my engine that keeps Me fighting for the future of the world we share.  I cannot do this without your help, please spread the message if you feel someone may benefit from the content.

-David Rollman

Also if this episode gets you thinking… then you will also want to check out Episode 008 (Which discusses the reality of choice you have within major news media today.



033 – “Knowledge Hidden within Dogmatic Systems – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Welcome back my friends,

This is going to be another informative episode, I promise you. knowledge-hidden-within-dogma

It has been about a month since I recorded my last episode (#32), and just like anytime before this, I have reasons for the downtime.  Over this past month, I have experienced more growing pains as my show, and the content I produce, has reached more people then I could have ever hoped for, only a year and a half into production.

But with amazing growth, comes the storm of folks that, don’t like the Facts or Content I present.  Don’t get me wrong majority of the people who have connected with me, say great things, and really enjoy the show.  However, there are a few that have an interesting way of shutting me out.

So this past month, I have experienced a new turn on the Rollman Revolution, and I am happy to say…I am here to stay and things are only going to get more powerful and interesting, so walk with me my friends, as this is a journey we all will benefit from. (Including myself, as I continue to grow in wisdom every day).

So this week, Knowledge Hidden within Dogmatic systems!  That is a mouthful – – but don’t worry, the title may be a bit much, but I assure you I will present this topic in a way you will enjoy.

In this episode, I will start off with the challenges I have had over these past 30 days, and Re-Explain my mission, to those who have been asking what this show is all about.  Every day I get email from people all around the world, and many like to know ONE WORD that tells them everything.  Unfortunately words will never do this show, or explain anything you experience in life, very well.   We will talk about words quite a bit in this episode, by playing a word game.  I will be taking the title of this weeks show, and breaking it down word by word.

As this process goes on, I will take you on a little journey, and show you how…your mind (brain, Knowledge, wisdom etc..) has been trained/manipulated by the Truth (and Bull-S*it) shared within Dogmatic Systems you experience in your world everyday.

I have much to say about this topic, so stay focused and be entertained throughout this episode.

I want to thank you all for the support and commitment you have made to me, and allowing me also to do what I do. This show doesn’t exist without those who want to change this world for the better, and everyday I hear stories and connect with more people doing just that.

If you have any question…feel free to email me or connect with me via Social Media, all the links are at the top of the website.

Namaste everyone,


032 – Election 2016 – WTF part 1 – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Okay Election 2106, What the Fuck is going on Part 1.  election-2016

Hello again everyone.  This is my assessment of the 2016 US election so far.  I will not be sugar coating anything going forward…as I feel this will insult you intelligence.  People in America need to wake the hell up, and I will tell you why in this episode.  I must warn you that this episode is Explicit , and not for the younger persons ear. But for those who have a brain…you need to wake up and listen.

I have no stake in the outcome of this election, as I feel Parties and Names do not matter. You need to wake up to the truth that is being suppressed within the #MSM (or main stream media).

This is from the heart…I don’t care if you don’t agree with me as long as you know WHY you are saying YES to one and not to the other.  KNOW the REAL truth behind the fabric of illusion of CHOICE my friend, because this is where real POWER resides.


WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW…IF YOU WANT TO SEE US MEDIA PRODUCING BS at the Smaller Scale.  Don’t think this doesn’t happen on the Larger SCALE.  ENJOY!

031 – “Connection and the spectrum of Love” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Hello again,

Light dispersion of a mercury-vapor lamp with a prism made of flint glass

This week the Spectrum of Love and the Connections we get from this.  I will be discussing many aspects of love and how this will relate to the relationship you have in your life.

On this show we always try to meet people where they are in the Here and Now.  And much of what gets discussed in the “Real World” via Religion, Main Stream Media, and even in our own homes, will not speak to the resonate love you have at this present moment.

I know this episode is going to be a hit, as I work off the energy of those in this world today.  Please check this episode out and share it with all that will benefit.

I want to give a shout out to a friend of mine on Facebook, named Ryan Raudam, he added to the inspiration of this episode, just by expressing How he Feels in the Here and Now.  He also is doing everything he can, Like myself, to change this world for the better.  I love to support and find like minded people and make these connection, as you will hear within this episode.  So thank you Ryan for your honesty and commitment to waking this world up to be a better place for you and for me. Please also check out Ryan’s Video Below…Very HONEST!

Namaste Everyone,

-David Rollman

030 – “The Flat Earth Equation, a conversation for the masses” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

This is the will probably go down as one of the best episodes to date, and that is only if I do not scare people away from this title.FlatEarthEquation

Hello again my friends, and thank you for checking us out one more time.  This weeks episode is another milestone as a podcaster, having hit episode #30.  For those who have a podcast just getting things started is tough, but keeping things going is ever tougher.  Ever week I try to bring more information, and knowledge to the table so that you the listener, can walk away with something you can hold on to.

This week is about The Flat Earth Equation.  Now some may ask what is the Flat Earth Equation?  Well it is a concept that I created…as means for discovering True and So Facts within our world today.  Information is so vital in every choice or decision we make, but what happens when you have been given false information on purpose?  What could be the potential outcomes from continuous subversion techniques, and propaganda?  I will discuss this in great detail, by using the debate of Flat Earth vs the Globe Earth model.

Now, There will be direct information within this episode about Flat Earth Concepts and how I feel about this matter. Furthermore, I will be engaging you over this subject NOT TO PROVE OR DISPROVE the debate on this, rather; showing you how False Information from Science, Government, Religion and so forth, does not benefit anyone!

In this journey…I feel it necessary to address a few people who have helped me with the content they have provided via their websites, as well as their YouTube Videos.  I will leave links and my suggestions as mentioned in this episode as to how I approached this topic, without getting sucked into propaganda or misdirection.

Remember my friends, I have been researching information about Corruption (and Subversion) in History for close to 14 years now.  My role is to direct you as best I can to the information, which will best serve you in your discover for the TRUTH.  I make no claims on this program that you must –follow or  believe — any / all of the information I provide to you.  I do not want you to take the word of myself; nor anyone else without YOU PERSONALLY following up with your own investigations into what ever subject that spikes your interest!

Having said that, I do however feel it necessary to provide you with a place to start your investigation, and from there it is up to you to seek out truth where ever she may hide herself.

Thank you everyone again for checking us out…I really appreciate all the support from my listeners.  Also…If you have recently been introduced to this program, and like the content you hear, please share this message to anyone you feel could benefit.  I believe we all can change this world one internal revolution at a time.

The people you will discover below are experts in many of the areas I cover on the Rollman Revolution Podcast.  I will always direct you to people that are more qualified to talk about specifics depending on the subject matter.  These are NOT the only experts, but some of the best I have found along my journey over the Flat Earth Model (equation). If you have any questions please feel free to contact me above.

Namaste! -David Rollman


Flat Earth Equation Journey Begins with These Folks Below:

Santos Bonacci – (Mr.AstroTheology YouTube) WebSite: Universal Truth School  **Santos Bonacci,  is one of the great minds of the 20th Century, in my opinion.  He is a great resource 30 years in the making covering subjects like – Astrotheology, Ancient History, Religion, Spirituality, Conscious Awakenings, Science of the Universe, etc… And if that wasn’t enough, my brother, can also play a mean Spanish Guitar (well worth a listen)**

Mark Sargent – (MarkKSargent YouTube) – WebSite: Enclosed  ** Mark is has done the best presentation on the Flat Earth Equation, by breaking down scientific inquiry by using info and clues to help you along the way,  His presentation…Is about informing you step by step without the Use of Big words and or concepts.  This is a 10 part series using these clues by, I feel is well worth your time.


Dave Murphy – (dmurphy25 YouTube) WebSite: Allegedly Dave **  Dave Murphy is just one of the great speakers over the topic of Flat Earth.  He was the man who sent a letter to Neil DeGrasse Tyson regarding Flat Earth.**


029 – “The Science Delusion” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Science DelusionWelcome Back my friends, family, fans and everyone else who has been connecting with this program and podcast.

I was away for the month of June, as that is my “holiday” where I spend more time researching future topics and other areas of discussion.  This week, and over the next couple we will be talking SCIENCE.  I have found science just like Religion to have very interesting backgrounds when you dig deep into the subject matter.

In this episode I will be discussing the Science Delusion, and what Dr Rupert Sheldrake has described in his Book, Science Set Free.  In this episode we will take the 10 dogmas of science and break them down one by one to see if they hold up to process of scientific inquiry.  (HINT: Most do not).

In this episode, you will be taken on a small journey where I will discuss each dogma, and tell you why I feel the scientific community is in a Stand Still for the proper advancement of our world as it relates to these area.

Yes there will be a bit of controversy here, but as many well know…I like to break down all the barriers of information and see how they truly are, not what society has told us they should be or ought to be.

Please feel free to leave you comments and check out the video provided below as they will help engage you further in this subject matter.


Love and Peace my friends, -David



028 – “When the Rubber meets the Road – Information in the 21st Century – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone,

Thank you again for connecting with me one more time.rubber

The Title this of this weeks podcast episode was unscripted.  Meaning I only had bullet points to cover within the 60 minutes of the podcast.  Most of the time I have a very well planned and thought out episode, but this week much of what I say comes from the HEART.

When the Rubber meets the Road, is all about what is happening within the Branding of America today.  We all know what branding is.  Any time you purchase a product what ever it is, you are making a choice due to its brand (or the quality of the Brand).

My question in this episode is: Did you know America is up for sale?  To be clear…what I mean by this…IS… DID you know that selecting a president is all about selling you an image?  The reasons why campaigns are so expensive is due to the fact that Advertising $$ go to great length to sell you an image of the candidate you Like.

So in this episode I tell you what I think about the BRANDING of America, and the candidates involved within this melting pot of BS.  I also will talk with you about some of the more humorous things that have happened up to this point on the campaign trail.

And Finally I will SPEAK to YOU…YES YOU…about your feelings and what you REALLY believe.  Because the BRAND of this Show “The Rollman Revolution” is ‘Changing your mindset so you can live in the world your really want’.

Please leave comments below if you have any questions or concerns as that is my true goal of keeping the conversation going.

Have a wonderful Weekend and God Bless the fallen troops of this USA.

Abundant Blessings my friends and Peace,

-David Rollman

Ed Miliband Repeating Himself Over and Over (Great Link)

Check out this Funny Video from my good friend John Oliver:


027 – “Health for sale, The Drugging of America” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Episode #027 is ready to Go…and I mean READY.  BigPharma_RollmanRevolution

Hello again my friends,

The title of this episode “Health for sale, The drugging of America” pretty much says it all.  I could stop right here with the show notes, because I feel most Americans know how Bad the Drug game is in America today.  But the drugs I will be discussing in this episode are NOT the “Illegal” drugs we are all so familiar with (cocaine, marijuana, LSD, Meth, Ecstasy etc…)  no I will be taking a look at the So-called Safe and Legal Perscription Drug epidemic in the US today.

We know how harmful much of the illegal drugs in the world today can play a negative part in the lives of people, but we never hear much about the “Safe / legal ” drugs you can pick up at your local Pharmacy.  Yes, prescriptions are monitored by pharmacies and pharmacists (and Doctors including), however; do the American people really know the long term effects of these “Safe” drugs?

Furthermore, the rate at which the Big Pharma is growing through the selling of these pills every year, Is the Health Care Industry in the business of making people better or just medicating them in order to make billions of dollars?

These are the questions I will cover in episode 27 this week.  Other Sub Topics will include:

  1. Different types of Drug classes
  2. Medical Doctors role in continued process of medicating the population
  3. The conflict of interest by Big Pharma / The Media / and the FDA
  4. Mechanical Medicine vs Natural Medicine
  5. How Getting to the root of these medical problems is the TRUE solution (not over medicating)
  6. My feeling on the worst group of medications to ever hit the Main Population (Psychotropic (Mental) Drugs)
  7. My opinions on where the focus needs to be in order to fix this corrupt and ridiculous epidemic

This subject is near and dear to me as I served as a Pharmacy Technician for 6-7 years, thinking this was going to be my life’s work, healing those through medicine.  Also, many of my discoveries over those 7 years which made me re-think my position of the American Health Care system and where the focus needs to be if we are ever to fix this corrupt system.

This topic covers such a broad range of other topics which I will re-visit in the future.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave me a message, as there are many ways to continue this VERY IMPORTANT conversation.

I will also provide a video documentary that I feel gets to the heart of  the subjects I will cover in this episode.

And REMEMBER… don’t take my word for anything I produce in the podcast, even though I am not sponsored by anybody;  I will always tell my listeners to LOOK THE INFO UP YOURSELF.  I will do my best to give you some information to get you started, but it is always up to you to continue the search for YOUR own understanding.

Abundant Blessings and peace as always my Universal Family. –David Rollman