Category Archives: Podcast Episodes

009 – Dreams, Passion & Creative Power – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Episode 009 of the Rollman Revolution audio Podcast discusses Dreams and creative powerCreative power that lies with each person in this WORLD.

In this episode I give a shout out to Cliff Ravenscraft (The Podcast AnswerMan ) for some email feedback he sent to me and I wanted to thank him for this.

Also I will play you a excerpt from my Radio Interview on a local Tampa Bay station WTIS and the Pete O’Shea Show,  which starts about 7 min into the program.  Still trying to get my message out to the masses and finding different platforms to do so.

And Finally I discuss the meat and potatoes of this episode on Dreams Consciousness, Creative Power and more.  One of the guys I recently ran into while doing my research, was a gentleman by the name of: Jon Rappoport who has been an investigative reporter in the areas of government supression and health for 20+ years. His website and his blog : Jon Rappoport   is an inspiration for those seeking an alternative to what the BOOB-TUBE shows every day.  He is a fine man, and the one that gave me the inspiration for the show title this week.

I want to thank all of you who have checked out my blog, Podcast, YouTube and Twitter pages – and connecting with me.  Because we all do it better when we do it together.  KEEP SHARING THE MESSAGE my friends.


007- Family and the Restless Single Self – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

Hello again my friends and thank you always for checking in with me and The Rollman Revolution Podcast.TheFamilyUnit

Episode 007 – is going to focus on Family and the Restless wandering single selves of the World today.  I will touch on the basics of what is causing the fall of families, and why those who feel as single outsiders to a family fall apart.  Also in this episode I will discuss the matters that pertain to what is needed in the secret sauce of life in order to thrive.  Love is one of the Key ingredients; a life without love or RELATIONSHIPS without the true understanding of intimacy, fall apart because the key ingredients are forgotten.

Also I would like to tell you that I will be appearing on WTIS Inspiration AM 1110 (The Pete O’Shea Show) to try and promote the work that I am doing within this website and my other channels ( YouTube and Facebook) to get my message brought to all those who may be seeking this guidance.

My Message has always been clear from the moment I built this Podcast.  This show is not about me, it is about us.  The world changes when we change.  I life changes when our habits change.  Our EGO changes when we finally discover who we truly are as individuals and how we are part of this BIG picture.

Please SHARE THIS MESSAGE to all those who can learn from it, and those who just need a push in the right direction.  I am the expert at FOLLY!  So please understand I know the good bad and UGLY of life.

Also please leave your comments on this site or email me at

Also check out a more adult conversation at the YouTube Channel and leave your comments their as well.

I want to continue to THANK all those who have believe in me and this message and have done their part in trying to get the MESSAGE out, be I know we do it better when we do it together.

Blessings and Peace everyone.

006 – Management vs. Leadership – Rollman Revolution audio Podcast Episode

Episode 006 – Management vs Leadership.

In this episode I discuss the major differences between a Manager and a Leader.  All leaders are Managers, but not all Managers are Leaders, and I explain why.  I also compare this to not only to an understanding on Internal Revolution as I always do…but I go further in explaining why we need Managers (Good Managers) and why Leaders are so very important.  The world today is failing, especially in the GeoPolitical World because Leaders no longer serve the people they have been given the responsibility for.  I touch on the practical as well as the world view omgmt_leadership-vennf why this subject matter is so important.

Please take a listen and don’t forget to leave comments, questions, and testimonials….to any of the subject matter contained in these shows.  I am trying to change the Way we see the world and the way the World sees us, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Peace my friend and will see you on the flip side…

005 – Summary of Ep 1-4 and Where we are going next…

The first plateau has been reached, episode #5.  In this episode I give you the cliff notes of episodes 1-4 and set a baseline for where we are now and where we are headed on this journey.  Like I said in past episodes, it is very important to lay the ground work first before we get into the meat and potatoes of how to change the way we see the world and the way the world sees you.  In this podcast episode I also discuss many of the issues around the world and how that relates back to us as individuals, of why things are the way they are.  Also what we need to pay attention to going forward, as this world is our responsibility and only get better when we pull ourselves out of the BS and start to pay attention to what really matters.

Below I will leave some links to my facebook and youtube channel where I give some “Revolutionary Thoughts” and some funny life stories to bring this whole picture together.  I will also leave a link to a documentary that I feel everyone needs to see as we are engaging only deeper in to this madness day after day.

Please also leave any comments on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, YouTube, Facebook, or here on this website, as I am truly interested in your views, ideas and testimonials to how you feel.

Thanks again for listening and talk with you soon,



The Rollman Revolution Facebook Channel

The Rollman Revolution YouTube Channel

Documentary Link:

JFK to 911: Everything is a richman’s trick


004 – Personality and Beliefs – Rollman Revolution Audio Podcast

Another week and another episode…mbti

This week I discuss Personality and beliefs, and how to discover your personality type and what you can do with that information.  If you have ever been exposed to a Myers-Briggs or Carl Jung Personality questionnaire, or this is your first time, you will greatly benefit from your results.

Please check out on of the links below and tell them David from the sent you:

and my favorite:

After you have taken a questionnaire and discover your cryptic the you can go on to discover why you are who you are and know even in some cases why you do what you do.

This may also allow you to discover why you believe what you believe and how you came to that conclusion.

This EPISODE of the rollman revolution I try to connect the dots of who we are and why we do what we do.  From the angle of Personality and our current belief system, and then taking a look at the current world situations and create an understanding why problems exist the way they do today.

ITs a PACKED episode, so I hope you enjoy.  PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast for weekly Episodes and Continuous Blogging.

PEACE my Friends


003 – “Intelligence” – The Rollman Revolution Audio Podcast

Episode 003 – The Rollman Revolution Podcast we discuss Intelligence3422774261_7eaa0ed224_o

There are so many ways people today define Intelligence, its hard to narrow down a very specific definition for this word. So In this episode I try to break it down to the bear minimiums and trim as most of the fat I can by going through this process step by step. (Basically the way I came to my conclusions on this)

Topics like these get pretty heavy and I want to entertain but at the same time enlighten with new ideas and a more simplistic way of seeing these type of subjects.  I could be 100% wrong, but I have put a lot of thought into these podcasts and hope you find something to pull away. (Take with you in your life journey)

We get into awareness, and consciousness which can take listeners in so many directions.  I try to unravel this subject in an honest way.

Please Enjoy…

Please leave a comment on iTunes or on this website, or if you have any questions please feel free to leave me a message.

Will see you again next week for another episode…

002-“Words”-The Rollman Revolution Audio Podcast

Hello Again Everybody and this is the 2nd episode of the Rollman Revolution Audio Podcast.stop-words

The topic this week is WORDS.  No not like it was back in grade school, however; the conversation is entirely about how WORDS are symbols and Why symbols like these cause so many communication problems in everyday conversation and in the greater world today.

As I try to take you on this journey on an internal revolution, I am doing my best to lay down some ground work so that you can see how it is I got to where I am in my story and hopefully meet you where you are on your life’s journey.

I will include some links to wikipedia below as to where some of the definitions I am referring to in this podcast came from so you can continue research long after this episode closes.

I do hope you find this content valuable, as I promise I am doing my best to bring to you the best information and sources of Wisdom, I have found thus far in my life.

Please feel free to leave comments on iTunes or this website and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.

I hope you enjoy…TTYL

Wiki Links:



001 The Rollman Revolution – So We Begin the First Podcast Episode

Hello Everyone,

My name is David, and this is the launch of my first Rollman Revolution Episode. Many of my friends and family have been waiting to see this Podcast finally get off the ground, and let me say it hasn’t been easy. I really have to give people credit who have surpassed the 50 podcast episode ceiling because this is a lot of work from beginning to end (as producing these episodes).

So for those who know me, talking is what I do. But those who really know me know my vast knowledge in many areas of Social Sciences, Politics, Religion, Science, New Age, Old Age, and just about pretty much anything that relates to the Human Person and Society in general. There will be many new discoveries from even my closest friends and family as I put much thought into this podcast; so my true nature will be reveled and some of the topics and information you will hear, just may blow your mind.

But my goals for this podcast going forward is simple:

1) To allow closed minded people to open it up. (Like a parachute it works best when it is opened) LOL!
2) To bring to the attention of many, much suppressed information and new ideas (tech, science, religion, space etc..) that you will never hear from anything main stream.



– This show is just the intro of things, I will cover who I am, how I got here a little, and many of my core beliefs.
– Also what I hope for you to get out of this podcast and to hopefully inspire, challenge, and encourage you to be the YOU, that passion which has brought you to this planet here and now.

***I will tell you ahead of time that I did have some technical issues and audio issues but the show must go on, so I just went with it. I promise I will get better as I put more of these productions together.***

BUT FOR NOW….I HOPE YOU ENJOY….and please Email me at: or leave a comment on my website

Thank you all; abundant blessings and happiness!
