047 – “Beginnings & Ends” – Podcast Episode

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Too often we forget, that from the moment we are born we begin that slow journey towards death.  Now before you click away from that statement above, it is not meant to be thought of in the negative light.  Rather, our journey through life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, rights and lefts, etc.  The one thing the human race seems to try to defy is the natural process of beginnings and ends.  Nature is, in my opinion, the only physical representation of how life works.  In all parts of natural life, things begin…and at some point they find their natural ending.

In this episode, I will be discussing the natural process of beginnings and ends, with a particular focus on MEMORY.  You see, in all aspects of life, there resides an eternal memory.  However, the memory you and I have in this life, is designed to be more of a “highlight reel”.   Throughout our lives some memory stays but majority of it fades away, like it never actually existed.   The process of faded out memory is the very reason and foundation of why things begin and eventually end.

It is important to understand the for every finite end, brings about a wonderful new beginning… and this process continues throughout all walks of life – and for good reason.  I encourage you to listen to this podcast episode, and think about where you are in your life journey.  Think about all the memories you can remember in your life, and also those memories you let slip away, so that new memories could fill the gap.  Think about why it is so important to let go of those memories and times in life that DO NOT serve you anymore.  Furthermore, if you are holding on to old and possibly negative memories, ask yourself how those memories actually make you feel?  If they do not bring about the best version of yourself…then its time to make a choice as to why these memories (thoughts etc..) are still a part of your journey and to keep them or let them go.

Please remember…You are more important then any one event in this life.  You decide what defines you, NOT what has occurred or what you believe these old memories hold.  This moment, this infinite NOW is the only truth.  Remember to let go of things that do not serve you, and surround yourself with everything else that does.  Sometimes we must let go and allow parts of our life to die, in order to allow new beginnings to flow inward.



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