015 – “9/11 to Now…What is going on with all this Information – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

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Well Hello again everybody I will be as brief as I can with the intro of this weeks episode.  I have gotten a lot of NewsMEDIAcomments about my recent post on FB, Twitter, & my web site.  The Paris France “Terror” attack / bombings were no doubt a real event however…I am not likely to entertain the MEDIA’s original cover story.  After 9/11 and all the INFORMATION that came about over the course on several weeks following the event, differ tremendously from the evidence we know today.  And many will say that we don’t have anymore proof – then we did 12 years ago.  But like Mark Twain once said, A lie can make its way halfway around the world, while the TRUTH is just putting on its shoes.  It takes a long time to clean up the LIE as it moves much faster then the Truth could ever hope to.  However, eventually the LIE runs out of gas, and the TRUTH has a way of sneaking up to it, and reveals what has been kept secret for the long haul.   9/11 taught me and many others of whom I look to for information, that the original cover story of many major events have holes in them.  If the Media today wants to develop a Narrative that drives a particular emotion…they are very well equipped to do so.

So it is up to YOU AND I to find the truth where she made hide herself.  THIS MEANS:  Consistent search for information, multiple sources for information: BOOKS, NEW MEDIA, ALTERNATIVE MEDIA…(AVOID MAIN STREAM —-> Unless you are looking for entertainment ).

See what many don’t realize, is the Major NEWS media by law does not have to provide TRUTH!!  They can develop a story however they see fit.  If the TRUTH of information goes in a direction they don’t want to travel, in many cases the story takes a different avenue or narrative.

Richard D. Hall puts it best “Believe Nothing of what you see, and only 1/2 of what you hear”.  This statement is petitioning people to look at the evidence, and if there is no evidence….don’t believe the narrative.  Its up to you to do research of the stories sometimes if you want to get to the bottom of  things.

THIS WEEKS PODCAST is about 9/11 to NOW (particularly the recent Paris Bombings).  I would ask that you click on the youtube video(s) below, as I feel they do a okay JOB at explaining how ISIS got to where they are today.  AND REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A SIMPLISTIC VIEW.  However it will give you a quick insight of how we got to the here and now in the Middle East.

I encourage all of you to find a topic you are interested in: A conflict in history, a piece of political information, a major world effecting event….and kick around the different avenues it will take you.  Jump from one piece of information and see where it leads.  Then looks at the other side of the issue, and I promise you will amaze yourself of how confusing the WORLD OF INFORMATION can GET.

REMEMBER FOLLOW THE ‘EVIDENCE’  as the TRUTH is the only one that sets us FREE!

Abundant Blessings as always,




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