YES YES YES – Here We Go Again – 2018

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Yea!  March 1st is going to be the release of Season 3 of the Rollman Revolution Podcast.  Thank you to everyone who has listened & shared. I have been working on several new ideas and I am so happy that I took 6 months off to regain my focus…as it was absolutely necessary. The Next episode will be release as stated on March 1st. And the title for Episode 46 will be: “The Shedding of what was to what is” (why it is necessary to shed our skins many times within our lives).

Getting back into producing new shows bi-monthly is a challenging process as their is so much research, writing, and commitment that goes into everything. Any writer or creative content provider…will tell you that one of the most grueling things is starting over..and getting back on the horse that you have been away from for some time. But its about time…and this will be consuming 80% of my free time over the next 6 months. So HERE WE GO… I love you all….and I happy to be back.  


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